What's Deep? Yellowstone beat and story of a man wanting his woman back. Can't stop singing it.
What's Deep? Never say never with the one you love. You never know... oops we just said it.
What's Deep? Ever traveled from your spouse or family for an extended period of time? If so, you'll identify. Take note of all the small things that make you happy. They sure come to mind when they are gone.
What's Deep? Man accepting his past, his problems, recovery is hard, but day by day we face it... God can save.
What's Deep? An old car that reminds you of an ex. Can be a car or anything else. Keep the good memories, but move on. Sad - maybe, New chapter - yep.
What's Deep? Be different, be yourself.. its all good. You're not for everyone, and guess what.... that's ok. Because you ARE for someone.
What's Deep? There's just something about that you can't stop longing for. Guess what it is in this song? :) Listen and find out. You'll be tapping your feet all day.
What's Deep? Nothing.. was just a good cover. We don't even think the song embedded is the same artist.. but, this is a good version of a Garth classic.
What's Deep? I'm taking off, leaving.... freedom at its best. If I don't come back.. don't come lookin.
What's Deep? Headed home to the big guy in the sky. Great song.
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LOL, From Babylon Bee.... wouldn't doubt this at all.