“I can’t believe Trump was elected”. “I can’t believe the country voted for him”. “Well, at least more people voted for Hillary than Trump”. “I am fighting for my rights”. “We have already lost our rights”. “Only 25% of Americans voted for that <insert expletive here>”. “Republicans are terrorists”. “Christians are using their religion to kill gays and transgenders”. “Trump is taking away my RIGHT to control my body”. “The climate will now change and kill us all”. Sound familiar? If you are even close to any form of social media or a dedicated reader of alt left media, I’m sure it does.
So, what has come from this election? If you voted for Trump, you know the words, you are a misogynist, racist, sexist, xenophobe, terrorist, hypocritical <insert another expletive here>. I’m still floored by the hate spewing from the mouths of the self-knighted bearers of love. For years this group of people preached love, scolded Christians for hypocrisy, and verbally beat down anyone with an opinion other than theirs. That’s right, pure, unadulterated fascism – brought to you this time from the uber left, Militant LGBT, the “you’re only feminist if you believe in abortion” feminists, climate occultists, and anarchists. Now, don’t get me wrong, the right wing has its own set of whackos and the list is long, but it’s time for the majority left and right to clean up their own houses.
Let’s try to have conversations about how we can clean up the fringe. We can start by identifying who they are on the outmost layers and work our way in. I know it will get tough as we get closer to the majority, but I am imagining a place where we have cleaned up the fringes and have strong political discourse without the fringe distractions. The “mainstream” media (biased or not) has one thing on their mind…ratings and thus dollars. Don’t kid yourself, it’s true. With that said, the fringe will always get the attention, the story, the edge. That is what we demand. It’s what we watch. If those fringes begin to disappear, we create a new fringe, a more civilized fringe.
What if we all (by we, I mean the true majority (left and right centrists) began to do what we could to clean up our own “fringes” and stop focusing on the other side fringe. So the next time someone throws your side’s fringe in your face, throw theirs back and tell them to clean up their own act. The fix starts with you !
Anonymous - 2017
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LOL, From Babylon Bee.... wouldn't doubt this at all.