Ah, the recent videos of the Disney executive staff discussing how they try very hard to embed the LGBT agenda into its films, movies and culture. The discussion around Disney's opposition to the FL "Parental Rights" law and how they plan to fight it. The bottom line issue here is CHILDREN. Both of these discussions deal with a battle in American moralism that we have not quite drawn lines or agreements on within our own borders. But the reason this is so hypersensitive at the moment is because this battle has been brought to a field our kids play on, and more so, is speaking into the ears of our children trying to get them to fight a battle they are not prepared for, nor should be. So, first of all, shame on us adults for bringing the kids into the battle that we as adults have not concluded.
Bringing children into the discussion of homosexuality, or any sexuality is heinous in itself and quite disturbing. Now again, we are talking about children under the age of middle school, ie age 12. Why would anyone feel the need to talk to anyone this age or younger about sexuality, or sex in general? I know to most, it seems crazy to even be having this discussion, but the truth is, there is a fraction of society, yes, a very small fraction that identify as LGBT, that feel less than normal in society, and its our belief here at 2C that this is their fight to normalize their lifestyles and thus themselves. When their voice falls on the deaf ears of the majority, they turn to the children. Now, we do believe that many legitimately think they are "helping" these kids as well as the general public become a "love everyone for who they are" society. This sounds great and honestly, it is.. we should love everyone for who they are, but here is where they miss it. While we are called to love people for who they are, we are not called to love everything they do, particularly if what they do is believed morally wrong. So, love the person, not the sin. This issue is simple really, its about the act of sex and the moral understand of how to have sex. There is a moral divide between the belief of sexual relations and what is and isn't right verses wrong. That is it. The LGB agenda can be boiled down into the bottom line of how someone has sex. They want homosexuality to be considered a normal, natural, loving act.
Mathematically speaking, a normal distribution of how people conduct the "act of sex" would place homosexuality on the fringes of the curve, simply meaning, its not within the norm. Beyond that, the LGB community is unwilling to accept the fact that they are loved, but that the act they commit is not. In other words, they do not want to face the fact that the strong majority or "normal distribution" of people do not agree that the sex acts are ok, in fact the "normal distribution" of people deem the act wrong. This is where the LGB community made the decision to "educate/indoctrinate" the children, as young as possible. Because, if you can't change the beliefs of the adults in society, then go for the easy, malleable kids. It is easy to see why parents/ states are now creating laws to leave the kids alone and out of this cultural battle. And really, that is all that is being asked. The discussion can be had within the adult world of debate, but when kids are brought into a battle over what is right and wrong about a sex act, that is not only disturbing, but actually close to pedophilia and corruption of a minor and its time we start treating it as such. The issue will remain a battlefield as there will always be people who believe men on men sex is wrong and woman on woman sex is equally wrong. But, funny how we keep the actual sex act out of the public debate. This is the bottom line and where the discussion comes to a stand still every time. Its either wrong or it isn't. Teaching kids the answer to that moral question, does not belong to teachers but to parents.
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LOL, From Babylon Bee.... wouldn't doubt this at all.